Saturday, September 22, 2012

The teeth of a story

William Everett Crocodile lived on the banks of the River Nile with his mama. One day, Mama said, "William Everett, now that you have nice crocodile teeth, we must go to Mr. Hippo's store and get you a toothbrush before you start school tomorrow." Bill and Pete, by Tomie de Paola. This books starts one place and really ends somewhere else. You wouldn't think you'd see the tooshie of a man running away, but you do. Where does our story start? This story starts with teeth, and in fact, ends with teeth. The mean guy running away from some teeth he's very scared of. To the reader/listener teeth are really important. Losing them, growing them, brushing them. Mr. de Paola has struck the chord. The child is instantly hooked, and then the toothbrush is a bird. Perfection.

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  1. Welcome to the blog-o-sphere! I can't wait to "follow" you and then feel guilty for not really reading but feel ok because, hey, I'm following so I *can* read it even if I forget the address which I'm bound to do about two seconds after I click away from this page. You can follow me and do the same!

